For the benefit of those who, for some reason, haven't heard/forgot. *coughBryancough*
Compulsory water trainings are now on Wednesday and Saturday only.
I am aware not everybody can make it on Wednesday, you may go down on Friday evenings instead. (Or both, if you can find the time)
Every Wednesday night will be a completely optional swimming.
(One of the few times you can say ' I don't feel like going' as a reason for not going.) By right there shouldn't be any at all, but this is meant more as a de-stress session, and for you to practice for your OSIM sprint category.
(Speaking of which, currently still no news on the sprint category. Will keep you guys updated.)
Kayak Racing AGM
This will tentatively -probably- be held on 26th Feb, 6pm. Shall we do pizza?
It is held at such an 'odd' date because it is as much a reflection of the past acad year, as it is a resolution for the coming year.
Is all for now.