Monday, August 31, 2009

Tuesday's training

The training schedule will be the same as Monday, because we didn't swim on Monday.

Remember to bring your MATRIC CARD and your GOGGLES.

9 30 am Kayaking

3 00 pm Swimming

-Zhi kai

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monday's Training

Tomorrow's Training schedule:

9 30 am Kayaking

3 00 pm Swimming

Please remember to bring your GOGGLES and your MATRIC CARD.

Those that are going to visit teachers tomorrow is done at your own accord. Do come down for swimming if you're going back to your schools in the morning.

Training will resume as per what is mentioned in the previous post.

P.S. Try and inform the rest if you're unable to attend the training and state the reason. It wouldn't be nice to wait for someone wondering if they are going to turn up.

-Zhi Kai

Thursday, August 27, 2009

HELLO ALL! EXAMS ARE OVER AND ITS TIME TO TRRRRRRAINNN! From tomorrow onwards, we're having double training during weekdays. Its 9.30am and 3.30pm. Saturdays are 9am.

For those that are intending to work and it clashes with the training timings, pls consult any senior. Then we can arrange something that will work out best for you and for the team.

POLITES in 1 1/2 months time! Overall champions male and female!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Good news and Bad news. Depending on which perspective you're looking from.

The trip might have to be postponed to October. Firstly because the guy arranging all our logistics at Pahang cant do it in time, and secondly, a lot of the seniors cant make it due to SIP. Its only fair to them that we dont leave them in the lurch in sad singapore while the rest of us raft away on bamboo poles.

However, October= POL-ITES and most of us wont be as keen to go on the trip by then, we'll be more keen to get our gold cookies.

I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, but believe me, im trying my utmost best to fit the time schedule to majority's availability. In the end, I'm only the middle man, relating whatever information we're getting from Coach and the guy up in M'sia.

Whatever the case is, dont fret cause I'll die trying to find a convenient time for everyone, including those on SIP for a team outing, even if its only a day thing.

Any suggestions? Sentosa, Pulau Ubin?


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey team! As you're studying, Coach and I are busy planning our Pahang trip! Currently, the dates are from the 5th-9th of September so that we have the whole of October to train realll hard!

Coach is still trying to contact the guy in Kuantan, but regarding the costs, I'm hoping to keep it to $200, excluding transport fees.

What I'd need you to do right now is to ask your parents for permission and get back to me asap so that I can have a rough idea of how many people are going. Sms me if you're unsure or have questions and to confirm as well alright! Can I get everyone's response by...friday night?

In the mean time...Happy studying!!! While I go on my open water dive trip. Teeheehee :D

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You may or may not have received a message forwarded from Captain Sam regarding this Friday.

If you haven't...

Sam: " friday i want everyone down for training. Even if you end at 6"

Well, you heard the Man -uh- Woman. No, actually just leave it as Man.


In other words, "I have class", "I have project" and "I need to study" will be counted as bullshit excuses because its the weekend Goddamnit and you most probably won't have planned your work stuff right after school, and if you did that makes you kinda dumb, so its not accepted anyway. And you still have 2 days to do whatever it is you have to do. But as far as I know, its the last week of school, so there ought to be nothing awfully urgent.

So, people.... Turn up, or face the wrath of Sam. She'll direct an F1 car to bang into you.

Ok number 2.... Would everyone who HASN'T paid me for the Team Singlet, please do so sometime soon in the near future? Because the cost of the shirt came from my living expenses, and I've been finding myself in rather pauperish situations lately. Uh. That means I'm very broke.

Its not really a personal reason, see - If you can't even manage something as simple as prompt payment for the singlet which you already took, i really have nothing to say, except that i'm not going to be trusting you all when we make our casual team shirt, and other future equipment. And they will be very, very delayed. And you don't want that.

And Lastly...

About those random twits on the board.... (You know. Those who can't even spell 'Temasek', or try to do bad impersonations)

They weren't the first we had to deal with,

They certainly weren't the last

But you'll find that us seniors tend to simply ignore them. If i may remind everybody of this small reason....

So, Zip, and you'll find the idiots magically pull their own vanishing act. There's no need to spam the tagboard.
I think that's all for now. Sorry if i appear to be PMS-ing.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the 'me' for the 'we'- Phil Jackson

Do you trust one another?

See you tmr afternoon. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hello team! This Monday we shall have training at 8am and then proceed for lunch and G.I. Joe movie at downtown east or tampines mall. So you all come down and train k! Team outing! Even coach will be going. :)


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